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War is your game

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Let us play a game of shame:

You´ll call it "Keep the Peace"

whilst you continue to tease.

I´ll call it "war" and I exclaim:


"you are evil minded, a betrayer,

a motherf* and tyrannic slayer".


You name me "conspiracy theorist"

but I accuse YOU of being a terrorist.

"For god and country!" is what you say

with child-corpses laying on your way!


Though this can´t allay my hate,

I furiously want to smash this state

your state, your confused state of mind,

cause for the demonic sake of devil

you close all eyes for human kind!


So go down, go down and burn in hell,

you so called "leader of the nation"

I am standing here, still I´m waiting

standing and waiting for your abdication!

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